A new companion
Unfortunately my very old companion died exactly a year ago. After all the tears and heartbreak, we had to decide – should we have another dog? Of course we should so at the begining of the year we started visiting rescue centres.

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Terance, as he was called, is 3 to 4 years old, abandonned somewhere in Ireland and then moved to England to look for his forever home.

The poor miserable little doggy. He looked so lonely and so much in need of love and tender care.
That was it! We had to take him home.
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We made it home

The first thing to do was to change his name. We could not cope with Terance – he is now Dylan. We then discovered what type of dog he is. Dylan is a German shorthaired pointer (GSP). Might not be the best breed for old people but what can we do? It is too late we love him.
German shorthaired pointers are hunting dogs – they need a lot of walks and playing times but they are also goofy which make them so funny. They need a lot of love and attention as well.
Life with a GSP

Going for a walk brings its problems. Dylan is a very strong dog that pulls me all over the place – left, right, forward even backwards. The toughest part is when Dylan meets a squirrel, a rabbit or a deer. We had a Fenton episode last week when the lead broke. Unfortunately I was too worried to film it as a road was nearby. All finished well as my big boy came back to me and no, he did not injure or kill the deer – I think he got scared.
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A few months ago, we bought him a toy which include a little tube full of treats. All what he needs to do is push the tube whith his nose and the treats will fall down. Not if your name is Dylan. He cannot work it out.
Another trait of these little guys is their love of water. Dylan’s paws are nicely webbed but you guessed it – Dylan is scared of water!
This breed is supposed to be highly intelligent – I have my doubts. I suppose intelligence manifests itself in different ways.
Isn’t he beautiful looking!
I am tired There is a fly on the ceiling I love banana
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