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Events I’m Attending

5432…Meet Us!

Date: 12/13 May

Venue: Via Privata Stefanardo da Vimercate 28, 20128 Milano, Italia

Some of 2ndQuadrant European team will be in Milan to answer your questions and expand your understanding of the capabilities of PostgreSQL, the world’s most advanced open source database. At 5432…Meet Us!Participation is free. Registration is required.


Manchester PostgreSQL Meetup

Date:27 May

Venue: MadLab, Manchester

More info to follow.



Date: 13 June

Venue: To be announced

The usual mix of technology, experience and everything else. Book your place now, while the schedule is being firmed.



Dynamic Languages Conference

Date: 20 June

Venue: Studio, Manchester

The DLC is a cross-language event aimed at Open Source Dynamic Languages, we hope to bring together all the languages in an open forum to discuss and present the manner in which these languages approach and solve tasks at the cutting edge of development technology.



Date: 7 July

Venue: 30 Hilton Square, London

PGDay UK is the perfect opportunity for Postgres users, developers and anyone with a keen interest in PostgreSQL to get together and learn more. This one day event is a ‘must attend’ event for anyone interested in the latest developments for Postgres, including features added to version 9.4, projects under development and the future direction of the world’s most advanced open source database.


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