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GOTO Chicago 2013 Jim Webber Interview

2013 June 21

Jim Webber, GOTO Distinguished Speaker, discusses narratives and graphs with Ryan Slobojan. Topics covered include his first talk given at a Trifork conference, conferences attended, the benefits of giving talks at conferences, the importance of narratives and history, the challenge of first discovery, commonalities between REST and graphs, the Web as a graph, Semantic Web, graphs and triples, polyglot persistence, Neo4j, drivers of graph adoption, applications of graphs, and combining genetic algorithms and graphs.


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graph databaseDr. Jim Webber is Chief Scientist with Neo Technology, where he researches novel graph databases and writes open source software. Previously, Jim spent time working with big graphs like the Web for building distributed systems, which led him to being a co-author on the books REST in Practice  (2010) and Graph Databases (2013). Jim is active in the development community, presenting regularly around the world. His blog is located at and he tweets often @jimwebber.


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