Posts tagged ‘Perl’

- 012.3.14All about Mojolicious – interview of Sebastian Riedel part 2
- 05.14.14All about Dancer – interview of Sawyer X part 3 and last
- 05.2.14All about Dancer – interview of Sawyer X part 2
- 24.25.14All about Dancer – interview of Sawyer X
- 06.15.13Les Journees Perl, Nancy, France
- 03.11.13QCon 2013 is over!
- 02.12.13Another year, another Fosdem
- 01.11.13QCon London 2013 Highlights: Future of Mobile Dev, Technology in Finance Tracks; New Speakers Added
- 112.7.12From the London Perl Workshop to Tech Mesh
- 010.22.12Think, Code, and Experiment